
On Writing

So, I'm moving away from the editing job I've had for almost five years and going back to writing full time. I'm a bit nervous about it, as I think it's going to be a real challenge, at least initially. My job is entirely focused on technology, and writing about it is not the easiest thing to do. Writing about technology so that others can understand it is even more difficult. But I'm looking forward to the challenge. Seems like I haven't had enough of them lately, and I can tell. Rut, rut, rut. Once you're in one, it's difficult to get out, so I'm thankful I'm at least getting the chance to. I'm going to miss working on CPU, though. I've been working on the mag since it's first issue more than three years ago, and it's been a joy watching it grow and prosper. But it's time to move on. All the originals I started with on that mag are one, and it's been different without them. When things come together and everyone is on the same page and you're working to a like-minded goal, even if just briefly, it's wonderful. When pieces of that machine begin falling off one by one, the reward aren't as collective, and they don't feel the same. I love writing. I've loved doing it professionally, and it's been long enough since I've done it full time that I'm going to have to work my arse off just to keep up. I'm hoping I'm up to it.

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