
Judy Garland is the female Frank Sinatra

Last night I caught the tail end of an incredible documentary on Judy Garland on PBS. For whatever reason, this coincided with me recently finishing reading the wonderful "Wicked: The Life and Times of The Wicked Witch of The West." I don't know if the two are related, but I'm grateful for allowing myself the time to sink into both. Both were amazing engaging, and both the documentary and book again made me reconsider making judgments about anything until I have all the facts. This was especially true of "Wicked," both in the sense of judging the witch herself based on "The Wizard of Oz," and in the sense of the book, which I thought I had figured out after the first opening sequence. No, I didn't. I should have known better. Same with Garland. I had her pegged for something and someone she wasn't. Again, I should have known better. Not giving her talent the consideration and respect it deserves is shameful. But better late than never. I plan to enjoy it much more in the years to come.

Bob Dylan's "Modern Times": Simply masterful. I can't say anymore, other than sixth row center Oct. 25, baby!!! Sixth row center.

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