
Night Hates Snow

Crashing the snow blower into these white walls of purgatory,
I’m reminded of empty winter nights
you crashed my senses into loneliness unthinkable,
anger unimaginable,
hopelessness unprecedented.
Perhaps it is street lights current bouncing
dull-tinted rays off pure whiteness
that transports my mind to regrettable hours
sat alone at a dining room table otherwise unused,
smoking cheap cigarettes one upon another,
taste going unnoticed,
motion more addictive,
hand to mouth, flick,
hand to mouth, flick—
a necessary distraction to emptiness trapped in walls,
to disturbing stillness of nights
abandoned by all but the discarded.
Or perhaps it is boots crushing snow
that sets into motion your black hair agonizingly seductive,
your walk elegantly evil,
your fingers impossibly agile,
your smile enticing the unknown.
You’re still as dangerous as this snow.  


1 comment:

Stopsign said...

One of my most favorite metaphors of late. (white walls of purgatory)