
For my man, D, . . .

. . . because I know he's reading and because he's a fan of pro ball. While I admire his conviction that the NBA is every bit as good as college ball, I respectively disagree. Still, knowing that I missed a great marathon like this one, pains me. I'm down with good action as much as anyone, and it sounds like this was as good of action as you can get in the regular season.

I like the direction the NBA is taking. It's definitely on the upswing. Unlike my boy, Randy, I don't remember the Jordan years so fondly (I don't even like the guy). I'm old enough to remember the real resurgance of The League--the Larry and Magic days. I was college-aged then, so I'm not just throwing that statement out there. I watched both play in college, and I watched both transend the game. Jordan transended his pocketbook, and then he took the game into the dunk-heavy plague it's just getting out of now. Dickie V says this year's freshman crop of college ballers in the best in decades and one of the best ever. That bodes well for coming years. My man, D, should be set for years to come.

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