
Always Be Closing, Loser.

A=always, B=be, C=closing. Always be closing. Always be closing. I'm tired of living and working in this environment. Atmosphere. Surroundings. Influence. It’s omnipresent. I hear and see it all day. I feel it crawling all over me like a skanky dirt bath. I’m starting to worry I’ll never be able to clean it off. What the hell are you closing anyway? Another car sold? Another tube of toothpaste passed on to the white-tooth-wannabe consumer? Another Big Mac stuffed down another kid’s gullet? Another shoe wrapped around a fat foot that won't put it to use anyway? Congrats. Congrats on “closing.” Way to go. Way to hit the mark. Way to make the grade. Way to make that pie graph turn in your favor. You’re a closer. A winner. A success. A leader. A man among men. Your what we should all inspire to. You’re also a loser. You lose because when you were closing, you should have exploring. I say, “always be exploring.” Exploring the current moment, and the one after that, and so on. Exploring your real meaning. Exploring your real purpose. Explore what your gung ho energy could really accomplish. Could really create, construct, and maintain. Always be exploring. Otherwise, all you’re really doing is wasting time. Minutes. Hours. Days. Opportunities. Chances. Emotions. Your life. You’re wasting your life, closer. And unless I’m really wrong about this, you only get one. So going ahead and spend your time schmoozing, lying, manipulating, drifting, combing your pretty hair, shining your shoes, and making the rub. Do you what you must do, and for hell’s sake, always be closing. But know this, you’re a loser, even if you’re too busy closing to realize it.

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