
Lion Guardians

Ran across the Lion Guardians effort from the Defenders of Wildlife this morning. It's extremely sad and disturbing to contemplate my daughter's children will most likely grow up in a world in which many of the grandest animals ever to walk the planet will no longer be walking it, including lions. I'm not certain of what indirect role I've played in their demise, but I'm sure I have, and it saddens me. What saddens (and infuriates) me more is those who would hunt something so magnificent merely to add a stuff carcass to a trophy case. Moronic. But I think that adjective sums up human beings more often than not. I've been thinking a lot lately about what kind of a world my grandchildren (if indeed I have any) will live in, and I'm not thrilled with the prospects. I believe I'm living in a great transitional period (although all time is transitional, I suppose) in which we're moving to an existence that will rely on technology for most things, leaving behind that which can't tie into the grid. I'm thankful for having lived during this transition and experiencing what's possible, but I can't say I'll be sorry to be gone before that final transformation comes. I believe it's going to be a far less beautiful, joyful, engaging, and accommodating place.

Lion Guardians

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